
Showing posts from 2018

I promise Myself

This was shared by my mother to me when I was 19 and to this day whenever I feel like I am just surrounded by too much negativity, I read this.  I hope this will help and inspire some of you to always focus on goodness and the positives no matter how tough the going gets. 

TBT An Ode To Uni Days

Today, Harmeet sent a post about someone mentioning to young adults to enjoy their studying days because you will miss the days when your only thing was studying. That got me listing down the things I missed about university; I miss the walks we took to Subz especially during Ramadhan, going for midnight swimming (no it is not allowed), all the eating sessions with my all friends, being able to decide what people watch in Subz, those long walks, my morning runs, bus stop chats, floating tealight candles on the lake, my Petronas cafe, playing Zuma & that Pokemon game (Study game), clubbing nights and extended Penang stays, not paying bills, how those trees with the yellow flowers made our street looks so pretty, always getting that Magnum ice-cream when I get my allowances, impromptu plans, Mee Goreng Kamal, windy nights at the library foyer, joining the debate team just to get out of uni, joined an international event and got a room to myself plus we were paid as well, cleaning o